supporting research

2020 tech funnel

Rosie Harman summarizes Google and Microsoft uses of people analytics and big data to advance efforts in corporate diversity and the cost for doing nothing.

2021   investing in founder, D Feher, disputes industry assumptions that employees with neurodivergent conditions are not equipped to lead teams or excel as personnel managers.

2021 investing in neurodiversity founder, D Feher, disputes industry assumptions that employees with neurodivergent conditions are not equipped to lead teams or excel as personnel managers.

2016 neurodiversity @ work

Extensive qualitative research by H Bewley & A George in affiliation with the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) and UK’s Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS). The appendix includes their questionnaire HR staff can replicate in corporate evaluations to identify areas for improvement.

2019 work design magazineA look into how environment and office layouts impacts on neurodivergent contributors with visual examples inspire.

2019 work design magazine

A look into how environment and office layouts impacts on neurodivergent contributors with visual examples inspire.

2020  silicon valley business journal Allison Levitsky covers the Neurodiversity Pathways pipeline used by SAP, EY and others in Silicon Valley that are explicitly courting those who think differently.

2020 silicon valley business journal

Allison Levitsky covers the Neurodiversity Pathways pipeline used by SAP, EY and others in Silicon Valley that are explicitly courting those who think differently.

2017 the remedy for bad apples

Daniel Coyle’s research on productivity given one negative, depressive or oppositional agent with recommendations to diffuse the impact of one bad apple

2019 wired

This five year overview of BigTech diversity efforts showing no real improvement in gender, and racial parity at Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon and Google.

2020 bbc news

Universal Music UK published a ready-made primer on neurodiversity that is a quick and enjoyable read for managers of graphic designers and other creative professionals in Tech. The BBC covers the primer in a recent news item linked here.