Abandon the “prove yourself” mentality

This traditional manager dynamic assumes a social fluency, &/or common motivations that can not exist among all reports or in all departments. In fact, demanding a contributor ‘earn your trust’ is often received as preemptive rejection for high achievers or those with neurodivergent conditions.

Just as reports are expected to adapt and improve, managers have an equal responsibility to gain the skills necessary to motivate all staff. Liberally extend trust and respect to new hires, colleagues and subject matter experts across the company regardless of your managerial status.

If you find yourself questioning the competency of a report:

Trust that your hiring committee has done its job vetting each candidate. Use this experience as a way to advance your abilities as a manager. Invest company time and resources to ensure your report is set up for success.


Assign projects in a consistent manner


Consult past managers, references