Make it a joint effort
Always ask at least one clarifying question before stating your opinion.
Share decision rationales
the more you share, the more expertly neurotypical teams can execute in your absence and the swifter your neurodiverse thinkers can internalize team charters, and rank priorities.
Assign projects in a consistent manner
This differentiates between a passing comment or wish and a formal request.
Abandon the “prove yourself” mentality
For neurodivergent folks, fear and ultimatums are counterproductive. It can be experienced as pre-emptive rejection and may erode trust in your abilities as a manager.
Consult past managers, references
Approach this as a collaboration exercise and absolutely include your report in the dialogue with past managers to establish a climate of respect.
Only speak from personal experience
Be precise in your appraisal of another’s work by avoiding opinion or generalizations wherever possible.